Udele and Vanessa aged up into toddlers! Both my little girls are so cute! Udele didn't seem to have hair, though. (I'm sooo sorry I forgot to take pics!)

My darlings Terry and Raina started a bake sale! Terry baked, and Raina would sell. "Pleaseee buy a cookie! Please, they're soooo gooood!" Was Sawyer's original approach. Needless to say, he was kicked off the team.

Hank even stopped by! He gained a lot of weight since I met him. He didn't seem to recognize me...It had been a long time since Allie, though. I was twenty-six.
I wanted to have a little break from having to settle the "Mom! [enter child's name] isn't [baking/selling/helping] right! They're messing up the bake sale! MOOOM!" fights.
I went straight to the festival at the park. It was the love festival! Kissing booths! I made a beeline to the first booth. I was a little curious....

Nope. Nothing. No sparks...I defiantly like guys.

I spent my five dollars, we ended up kissing more than once. There was confetti!

Then, I tried my hand at rollerskating. I actually was pretty good!
"Oh!" I said glancing at a clock. It was four, I needed to head home.

All of the triplet's treats had spoiled, sadly. I began to feel a little nauseous.

And not from the putrid treats! I was pregnant!
It was birthday time! I placed the cakes on the table and lit the candles.
"Happy Birthday! Happy Bi-" We all began to sang.
"SH-" I screamed.

The cake lite the table on fire! HOW does that happen?!
"Call the firemen! Quick! And get OUT!" I yelled. Unfortunately, my children couldn't understand the concept of getting out of a burning building.

I dialed the fire station, hoping that they'd be here quickly.

Five minutes later, they weren't. I took charge and grabbed an extinguisher. My home was not going to burn down!

"MOM! I"M ON FIRE!" Raina screamed.
"Get to the bathroom! Jump in the shower, turn the water on!"

The fire man showed up......after the flames where put out.

Four or five people showed up. They all just stood on my porch, though... Eventually, everyone cleared out and I cleaned up, we had birthdays!

Rains was so sweet, she had to feel my tiny baby bump.

The siblings all sat on the couch to play some video games. Well, all but Udele. There was only four controllers, so she was stuck watching.

Until the television broke! I ended up fixing it, much to their satisfaction.

Look at that bump.......
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