Sunday, February 24, 2013

Chapter 36

I'm sick! I ended up losing every meal I ate today.

Peanut is a destructive little pup. Of course, I didn't notice because I was standing by the commode all day...or should I say leaning over?

I'm pregnant! Maybe I'll have vampire babies, Booker Singleton is the vampire daddy.

It's birthday time! Brooklyn went first,

then Albany went,

Peanut was destroying our patio furniture! Hopefully it's something he grows out of.

Brooklyn, being the responsible one in the family, scolded him.

As a birthday present, we went to the public pool. Even though we owned a pool, I was getting a little stir crazy and needed a break.

The first thing the kids did, was play on the swing set, then they hopped into the pool.

I decided to relax and try and soak up some sun.
"Mom! Please come in! The water's great." Albany and Brooklyn begged.
"Fine, fine. But don't splash me!"

I ended up floating, but the children didn't seem to mind...

until they over turned my floaty! I ended up underneath the water, before I popped up.

"Albany I bet I can hold my breath longer than you."
"No way!"
"It's on!"
Albany ended up winning,

of course this brought on a splash match.

"I'm tired," I yawned. "Come on, lets change."
"Mooom, five more minutes."
"Pleeeassse? Pretty, pretty please?"
I let out a huge sigh. "I don't think so," I climbed out of the pool, "The last thing we want is for we to end up popping Junior out in the pool."
"Mom, gross!"
"Come on, to the changing rooms." We changed, then drove home in happy content; we all were all worn out.

Albany fed Peanut at home,

while I tried to fix the dishwasher. Money wasn't to tight; I has around ten thousand simoleons in my bank account, but bills were a thousand a piece and I wasn't painting much; I was trying to spend time with my children.

It was Peanut's birthday! I didn't even realize it. We now have a big dog...oh boy. No more purse puppy.

We settled down for the night. All was peaceful and quite in the Terrans household. At least for now.

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