Surprisingly, the mornings are rather peaceful. Brooklyn will read before school and Albany will play with Peanut.

The first day of school...I always feel a little bit lonely with the children gone. At least I have Peanut.

Even though he spends most of his time running around, digging holes, and hunting.

Uh oh! Labor pains!

Meet Cleveland, my baby boy,

and Sydney, my vampire girl. I seem to be on a twins streak; one boy, one girl.

The children cam home from school, right afterwards.
"Albany, Brookie, I have news."
"Mom! You aren't fat anymore!" ALbany exclaimed.
"ALBANY!" Brooklyn whispered, jabbing him with her elbow. He turned bright red and stuttered an apology.
"I had twins! A boy and a girl!"
"Us?" Brooklyn looked confused.
"No, I had the babies! Meet Sydney, you sister, and Cleveland, your brother." I said as I led them into the nursery.
"Ohmigawsh! They're adorable!" Brooklyn cooed.
"They're so little. Was I like this Mom?"
"Yes, Albany. You both were."
"I'm a big sister!" Brookie jumped up and down.
"You were my big sister." Albany pointed out. "You're seven minutes older."
"True, but now I'm a big sister to babies! It's different."
"How?" Albany asked.
"Okay, come sit at the table. We'll have an early dinner. I'll make grilled cheeses." I said, hoping to stop a fight before it began.

"Anything interesting happen at school today?"
"Parent teacher conferences are tomorrow four to six." Albany said.
"You can meet Mr. Wilkson." Brooklyn giggled. I hope she wasn't thinking that he'd be their new daddy.
"Great! I'll stop by."
"Mom," Brooklyn said, "You need to dress more Mommy and professional." she sytated matter-of-factually.
"Professional?" I asked.
"Mr. Wilkson isn't married!" She giggled, not bothering to elaborate.
"Honey, I'm not going to date your teacher. That wouldn't be right." Also, it would make it awkward for my other future forty plus children. I cleaned up, then read both of them bedtime stories.

"They wanted me to date their teacher." I thought as I fell asleep. "I couldn't...it'd be wrong...but he might be cute. I'll keep an open mind..."
LOL to 'Mom you're not fat anymore!'