"Hehehe! Mommy pick me up-y!" I giggled, childishly.
"Yes-y! Mommy picks Xyla up! It's Xyla's birthday! Can Xyla say birthday?"
"Bi-wth-day!" I said in a childish, butchered way. It's annoying, but Mom seems to always talk to me like I'm some tiny animal, who can't understand anything. It's confusing. She talks to me like I'm tupid, so I match her seemingly expectations and talk in butchered, mumbled baby words. I'm just glad that I'll be a child, now. No more mushed carrots and annoying third person conversations.

Finally! I'm able to show off my talent! I was a born genius, but mother failed to recognize the trait and kept talking to me like a mentally ill baby bunny rabbit. I hope that no thinks I'm helpless, now. I know Winston was. I could hear him, crying in the middle of the night. Winston's a light sleeper, so he wakes up easily. It isn't his fault, though. Just the way he's born.
Alyssa's Perspective

My twin toddlers are aged up! They're no longer helplessly adorable, babies.

Tourmaline invited me to a formal party. I decided that it couldn't hurt to go.
"Hey, um, Alyssa...I'm engaged."
"Congratulations! This is great! Who's the lucky lady?"
"Penny, Penny Terrans?"
"That's great! She really wanted children-Oh."
"Are you going to give me grandbabies?" I asked.
"What!? Oh, no! I couldn't!"
"Did you tell Penny that?"
"No, she wants to wait until you..."
"Raise my children?"
"Something like that."
"Ok, sweetie. Or should I say son?"
"Uh, Tourmaline's fine. So...who's the daddy?" He said, gesturing to my bulging stomach.
"What do you mean?" I giggled. "I've just gained a few pounds!"
"So, you're not pregnant? Er-sorry!"
"No,no. I'm pregnant."
"Oh.Congrats." He looked a little disappointed that I was pregnant and not just getting fat. What can I say? I have that effect on men.

"Feel my tummy."
"Do you feel the baby kicking?"
"It was great to see you. I have to go, though. Got more babies at home and I don't think the teens are exactly excited about having to take care of them."
"Great to see you too,"
"And Tour?"
"I-" I paused. This man was one that I'd thought I'd marry after the challenge. I didn't know that he'd ended up getting engaged! And to my own daughter, of all people! "I love ya." He looked rather surprised, so I quickly added, "Like a son! Don't think like that! You're engaged to my daughter, after all."
"Course. You're my mum-in-law."
"Bye-bye." Then, I hopped in my car

My teens aged up and moved out! Only my twin children, are left.

But not for long! I went into labor, just as the children where hopping on the bus.

Meet Yolanda and Zack! I've officially had twenty-six babies; I'm a fourth of a way there! My mother should see me...I know she'll think I'm miserable; that I can't live without her, but look at me. I'm not exactly a successful business woman, and I'm not married to the richest man in the city, but I've had twenty-six children. This is revenge.

We have new neighbors. I decided that I'd go over and welcome them to the neighborhood. I saw them moving in, and by the looks of their cars, clothing, and furniture they're filthy rich; they married for money. I knocked on the door, and a handsome man answered it.
"Hello." A handsome, tan man said with a thick Italian accent.
"Hey, I'm Alyssa! I live across the street. I just wanted to welcome you into the neighborhood."
"Ah. Thank you." I noticed that his eye was wandering downwards; he was peeking at my annoyingly large chest! "I'm Antonio D'Allesandro. That's my wife Elisabetta," he gestured to the tall, brunette woman in a silk, navy pantsuit, "my twin daughter's Maddelena and Carmela," I looked to see a maid dressed like the Spooky Day classic French maid holding two toddlers, both with long hair and tan skin, "and my son Mario." A boy in khakis and a sweater vest was sitting on the futon, reading.
"So, where'd you move from?"
"Italy. I wanted my corporation to check out the premises in Sunset Valley, I'm thinking of expanding."
"Oh...that's nice."
"You're beautiful."
"Um...thanks...aren't you married?"
"My wife and I...we married for the money and power of Italy. There's no connection above that."
"So, you have an open marriage?"
"Oh..." So this man cheats on his wife? Am I okay with this? Do I want an affair?
"An open marriage is a bad reputation. We both have our flings, she mostly with younger, powerless men, I with attractive, young women." Oh boy. He clearly wanted something...I knew what it was.

I kissed him, shyly.
"That the best you can do?" He raised an eyebrow, and grabbed my butt, pressed me against his rck hard abs, and shoved his tongue into my mouth.

He clearly wasn't interested in gentle!

"Come." He commanded me like an animal. I wasn't really liking being treated like the family's Fido, but I was more afraid of what he'd do if I declined.

He wasn't gentle. At all. I didn't appreciate it, but I figured a billionaire who could ruin my life with a phone call, didn't care.
"Thank you." He said, after we'd finished.
"Uh, no problem." I glanced at my body in the mirror that stood across from the bed. I had a few bruises on me, in places that I'd never mention.
"Back entrance." He said, pointing to the clear, glass door. "You can always be back. I start to give sums, if you do.
"Uh, okay..." I threw on my clothing and quickly exited. That man was rude! I never intended on coming back, even if he paid me!
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