She was working out, again.
"Dallas!" I whispered.
"What?" He groaned. I was standing next to him, wide awake; he was till half asleep.
"Oh, yeah." He quickly jumped out of bed and threw on some clothes. We went downstairs.
"Mom." I said.
"Yes, Alex?"
"We, uh, need to talk to you."
"Oh boy." She whispered, louder she said "What about?"
Alyssa's Perspective
I hope they aren't going to ask about their dad. Please, please don't I thought.

"Mom, we think you're sick."
"Boys," I laughed. "Don't worry. I'm fine."
"We mean anorexia."

"I'm fine, really." I said.
"Mom, please. Google says that eating disorders aren't something that the sick person realizes they have."
"Okay...what do you want me to do?"
"Call the doctor and get a check up."
"Okay, if it'll make you happy. Now go play."
"Thanks mom!" They said, then they scampered up the stairs.

I pulled out my phone and dialed the hospital's number.
"Dr. Smith's office speaking."

"Hi, it's Alyssa Terrans. I'd like to schedule an appointment. No, I'm not pregnant. Today at four? That'll be great. Mmhm, you too. Thanks."

I decided to lift a few weights, until it was four o'clock.

Suddenly, I stopped exercising.

I'm pregnant. Again. I guess the secretary at Dr. Smith's All Night Clinic was right.

I drove to the doctor's office.

In the waiting room, I talked to a girl in the most questionable outfit.

"How are you?" I asked, trying to be civil.
"Fine! Can you believe it? I'm preggy!" She exclaimed.
"Oh...congrats. How old are you?"
"I'm," She stated her age, which was younger then young adult, for sure!
The doctor's ran a few tests and turns out my boys are right.
"Alyssa, we have bad news. You have an eating disorder."
"What! What do I do?"
"It isn't major, but it will effect your baby. We can only suggest therapy."

After that, I went back home and read the paper, hoping to find a therapist. I did. I called him and we arranged a meeting Mondays, at ten. The rest of the day went by in a blur; the next thing I knew, I was in the therapist's office!

He's handsome!
"Ms. Terrans, I understand you have an eating disorder."
"Yes," I said "But I could eat you up." I giggled like a stu'pid, love struck teenager.
"Oh," His face turned rather red. "This way." He led me to a back office. nWe talked about my challenge, my husband's death, my mother's death, everything. "Are you getting better?" He asked. "You appear to be-"
"Oh no! I'm pregnant!"
"Did you get remarried?"
"No, it was just a rebound." We talked more about that, before I moved a little closer to him.

We cuddled.
"We really shouldn't do th-"
"Really?" I sighed. "I'm sick and pregnant. Please?"
"Fine." He mumbled, much to my joy. I pushed him down, flat on his back and began kissing him like mad. He wouldn't let me do anymore, then kiss, sadly. After our fifty minute hour was up, he said to me "Again, Thursdays? We really should meet three times a week. Monday, Thursday, Friday, maybe?"
"Sure." I got up and turned to walk away. Then, I turned my head. "Oh, by the way. As soon as I have this kid-"
"Okay," He gave me a devilish smile. I just scored a baby daddy!
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