"Alyssa! That was amazing! I-"
"Yeah, um Austin. We're breaking up."
"Go back to your little fiance, I got what I wanted. You call go back now. Honestly."
"But Alyssa..."
"No buts. We are not dating, we never were dating."
"You might be mad, but do one last thing for me."
"Sure, what?"
"Make Gracie jealous."
"I shouldn't..."
"Please? I promise to never ever show up and cause more problems again if you do."

We marched out of the bedroom with pride.

"Austin." Gracie said, coolly.
"Gracie." He replied, evenly.

"Alyssa Terrans, the little," she proceeded to call me four different cuss words that I'd never say in front of a toddler, ending the sentence with "little **** that slept with every man in Sunset Valley and has an," she cussed some more, "of kids."
"Gracie, the high school boyfriend thief." I smugly said. "Broke my heart by dating Ben."

"I didn't break you heart you," Holy Sims, she swore a lot, "I didn't date him! We went to Prom, did dirty, dirty things to one another." She glared at me, "And broke up."
"Just like I did dirty, dirty things to your husband, then we never broke up. You can only break up if you're dating. We weren't."
"You ******"
"Cheerleader s!ut!"
"Ladies, ladies." Austin interrupted. "Alyssa, I think you should go."
"Gladly." I stormed out of their home, straight home.

On a happier note, it's the children's birthdays! Sydney, of course, aged up beautifully. I think it's the vampire genes. (Download Young Adult Sydney:here. Please rec!)

Cleveland wasn't half bad looking, either. (Download him:here!)
"Mom, I love you." Cleveland, turned mama's boy, said, nearly teary.
"I love you, Cleve. I'm sorry that I couldn't..." I couldn't what? "I'm sorry about Peanut."
"Peanut? He's at the puppy farm." Poor, innocent, sweet Cleve.
"Sit down. I gestured to the couch. "Sydney, too."
"Mom! I want to move! The sun's coming soon and I'll burn."
"Okay, sweetie. I'll hurry."
"What's up Mom?"
"First off, call me Alyssa. You're adults, now, I should treat you like one."
"Okay, what's up Alyssa?" Sydney asked again.
"Well...Peanut didn't go to a farm."
"What?!" Cleveland yelled.
"Shh, honey. You'll wake the babies. Peanut...Peanut died. A car ran over him."
"What? Those worthless pieces of shi-"
"Cleve, calm down. I have news...you know how we have a large family."
"Yeah," they both replied.
"Well...I'm trying to have one hundred babies."
"Are you insane mum?" Sydney laughed. "One hundred. You only have what, ten children?"
"No...I have forty-two. You're the thirty ninth and eighth."
"Wait, you're serious?"
"Yes...sadly. Right after high school my mother made me really upset..."
"Did we ever meet her?"
"No...she..she died.
"What? Mum, Alyssa, I'm sorry..."
"Your father...he divorced my mother and married a model...they died in a car crash...in Sunset Valley, I slept with a rich, powerful man. He was an Italian vampire. I became pregnant immediantly and never saw him again. He told me that if I came back and had more woohoo, he'd pay me-"
"SOme idiot, ****** thought my mum was a h00ker!" Cleve exclaimed. "How dare those bast-"
"Calm down. This man slept with every women he came across. I wasn't the first and I doubt I was the last. I just happened to become pregnant. His wife found out later and was angry. Your brother's, the man's children, had grown up and moved out on their own...they were about ten or fifteen children ago...they called me. That's why we, I, left the Valley. Not long ago, someone called me and told me that if I didn't give them the children they'd do much worse then kill a dog. I can't give them you...or the brothers that they'd wanted... They told me that by fifty children, I'd regret it. I-I don't know what to do!" I began to break down into a stuttering, crying mess.
"Alyssa, please! Please relax."
"Mom, just promise me this:" Sydney said. "You tell every child from now on this. You don't have to go into detail, but tell them that you're having one hundred babies. It wouldn't be fair if you didn't."
"I will...I will. I don't think I can tell them about the Italian vampires...Sydney they were evil...not all vampires are. You're a kind, sweet girl."
"Thank you."
The conversation went on for a little, then they packed up and left. I felt like a huge weight had been lifted. I was going to tell the children what I was doing. A simple "I'm having one hundred babies." when they turn into a child. If they ask who their father is, I won't tell them yet..on their eighteenth birthday I will. They deserve to know. They could always do a DNA if they wanted, but I'd feel better if I told them myself.
Sorry it's so long, a few thing needed to be said and got out of the way.