Ah. The familiar repetitiveness of such a simple thing. Those were the thoughts running through my head as I dived downwards. I hated puking. Honest to Sim hated it. But I kept getting knocked up. I guess it was a compromise. It seemed odd to me; once you have so many kids it's like, "Screw it. I already had fifty, might as well make it one hundred."

Poor Blue (who was feeling a little, well, blue) decided to try my body shaping tool. He lost fifty-seven pounds and seemed a lot more confident. He didn't tell, me, but I was happy he was happy.

I received a party invite invite from Austin, my former baby daddy. For old times sake, I decided to RSVP. Promptly at seven, I showed up; I was still the last one there. I guess fashionable late is a thing of the past.

I saw Nana, Venus' wife. It was odd, seeing her as an old, gray haired lady.

I'm pregnant! I was kinda hoping to get a little tipsy and maybe hook up with a few guys...Guess that won't be happening.
It felt weird. Everyone was happily married and gray haired, except for me. I was still the lively person I always was. Austin, his wife Gracie, Nana, a few past baby daddies, all old. I felt haunted by the memories, so I quickly left.

"Come on, Dragon, come on boy." Blue called. The timid thing waddled inside and sniffed around.

They instantly fell in love with each other. blue adopted him and named his Dragon, or Draggie for short.

Meet his romantic interest, lab partner, and prom date.

They both hopped into the limo. I could seem them acting like total love birds.
Blue's Perspective
Penni May was hot. Like cheerleader hot. And she was the one who asked me to Prom. Not me, a hot girl actually talked to me! And she asked me out.
"Hey, babe. Lookin' good." I tried to play it cool.
"Oh, Blue!" She swatted at me, her cheeks showing her embarrassment.
Her dress was skin tight and super short. And she wasn't wearing either necessary undergarments. Every time she bent down or stood up, I caught a glimpse of her perfection.
Prom was suppose to be fun. Penni and I danced; she drank drink after drink. By the end of the night, her dress had slipped in a way that was far from appropriate, but she didn't seem to notice.
"I knnnnnnow babbe. Touuuch me." She grabbed my suit jacket and started kissing me, drunkenly. Her bouncy chest pressed against mine and I felt a flutter. She tried leaping into my arms and I caught her. "Kissss me!" She giggled. I followed her request and gave her a peck on the cheek. "Gooo too the lockkerr roommm.' She demanded. I followed and carrioed her into the dark, empty room. A girl was standing there. "How yaaa like sommme morrre." Penni gasped.
"Uh, okayyy." I had no idea what she meant, but I listened.
Wow. I was sleeping at home, after a long night. Penni May and her friend, Karli, had....taken my virginity. I though of every dirty thing Penni did, including streaking through the dance after we'd finished our threesome. They kicked us all out.
I can't believe that happened....
Alyssa's Perspective

Dragon passed away tonight. I barely knew the dumb dog, but it was still sad.

You can see my bloated tummy. Being pregnant has its ups and downs, and the fatness defiantly is a down.

The tears came pouring down my face, as I turned into a hormonal wreck of a girl. How would Blue take it? Or...I could tell him Dragon ran away....
A few days later....
Blue's Perspective
No. No. No. I skimmed the email over and over.
I'm sorry. I liked you; you were sweet and nice. But I madea pact with my cheerleader friends. We're all going to get knocked up. And we did. Me and that one girl, Karli, are both preggers. Me with triplets, Karls with quads. Quads! You're like super fertile, or whateves. The gals don't know I'm telling you, so act chill.
There's four other girls in the pact. Bethany, with a single baby, Hannah, with twins, McKay, with a single baby, and Renay, with a single baby. I like ya...but....don't call. Or write.
~Penni May, future mommy!~
P.S. MOMMY?! I love that! I live with friends, since both my parents died. Maybe in a few years, we can chat?
Dad. Not me. Dad! Mom will kill me...if I telll her. SHould I? I'm fathering seven babies. Seven! That's insane. I don't even like kids....this ruins my chance of marriage. I'll have to pay for child care, or whatever that's called. Or is that only divorced dads? Dad...
Marry me.
I sent one simple email. Marry me. Insane, but....Insane! What about the other girl? Karli or whatever her bim'bo name was. Four babies...would that kill her? That can't...oh my...
Alyssa's Perspective

I grabbed the stroller and took Magenta for a stroll. The sky was gorgeous, and I felt weird. Free, light, in words, not pregnant. Maybe I was carrying a ghost!

In front of the movie theater, I went into labor! Paris's ex, Jacoby, was there! He started freaking out, as I calmly tried to explain that he didn't need to be there.

My son and the baby dady even showed! Great, what is this? A see Alyssa's who-haw? Of course, now that I think about it, two of them already have...

"Push, push, push, push! You idiot, why'd you knock me up?" I slapped Keith.

Welcoming Teal,

and Silver.
Honestly, this chapter is horrible. Just, skip it. Please.
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