"Yes, Sweetie?"
"We...." she gestured to Aphrodite.
"We preformed at school during music class. The teacher sent the performance to Sun Records in Sunset Valley . They want to produce an album..."
"That's great, girls! Wait...Sunset Valley?"
"They want us to move there....and..." Hera paused.
"They think that we're teens."
"But...you're children..."
"Mom...can we age up? To teens?"
"Girls....sure. It's you birthday, anyway. But, moving? No way! Y-"
"Paris called." Aphrodite said.
"What?" I perked up.
"She's moving. To Sunset Valley."
"What!?" I quickly dialed her. Turns out it was true. She said she couldn't stand to live in the Plains, knowing that every crush she might have, might be a father to one of her siblings. "Girls...I don't know.....I wanted one hundred babies, would aging you up..."
"Duh, it'd count!" Hera exclaimed. "Pllllleeeaassse?"
"Fine. If Paris will live with you."
"Take it or leave it."
I called Paris and arranged all the details with her. She said that she'd accept, but on one condition. She recieved twenty percent of what the girls made, to cover expenses. The girls gladly accepted.

I decided to go ahead and let Pers age up, figuring she wouldn't want to stay a child if her sisters didn't have to. (Download here!)

Then, Aphrodite went. (Download here)

And lastly, Hera. I felt a pang of sorrow as they climbed into Paris's car and drove away. The triplets had aged up so quickly...yet they were still my babies.

Pers became rebellious as a teen. She bought a motorcycle with all her birthday money and took it out for a spin.

Unfortunately, she trespassed! She visited the movie studio, after hours.
At home....

"Cannonball!" Athena screamed.

"I think that I'll just relax and try to get a tan before Prom." Venus said.

"VENUS! Look out!" Hermes was about to fall right on top of her!

She was way to busy soaking up the sun to notice her brother.

"Ah! You idi'ot! You landed right! GRR!"

"Venus, I'm sorry. It was an accident. I-"
"Accident!? You could have jacked up my face! And it's PROM!" She turned around and splashed him.

"Kids, kids! Relax. Behave or I'll ground you from going to Prom."
"WHAT? No, Mom you can't! Pro-"
"Behave, then."

I floated on the water.
"Wow..." I murmered. I was as big as a billion baloons, yet I didn't even sink the floaty!

Persephone was back. Little did I know, that she was sneaking drinks, while underage! You're suppose to wait until young adulthood.

The dates arrived, just before Prom! Being a mother, I had to get photos.

Nana introduced herself to Hermes.
"Dude...you're hot!"
"And ga'y! Get away!"

The limo pulled up and they all piled in.

Hermes and Elisha had an adorable photo!

Persephone accidentally got photoed in her outerwear, but she still posed in a "I'm here! The party just officially started!" way.

Athena posed a little to seductively with her date for my taste.
"Yes, sweetie?"
"Well...I lost my vi-"
"We used protection! I'm not pregs....but..."
"Athena," I sighed. "I thought you knew better."

Venus accidentally posed in her outerwear, also!

After Prom, I decided to teach Hermes to drive! I felt a little off, so we pulled to the side of the rode and I stepped out.
"OWWWW!" I screamed.
"Labor! Labor!"
"Huh?" He stared at me, confused. Was he really going to just stand there and watch, while his mom popped one out on public property?

I began walking to the hospital, Hermes couldn't drive yet, legally, so I thought it was best.

I had triplets! Olympia, Zeus, and Mars.

And the triplets aged up! They moved out to start their own lives with their boyfriend and girlfriends.

"See my muscles?"

Don't we look similar?
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