I decided to check out the "haunted" house Blue had described to me earlier. I parked and glanced at the exterior. Worn, old, dirty. Overall abandoned. Seems like the home that would start rumors. I walked up to the porch and rand the doorbell.

"Helllo." A voice came through the wall. With the voice there was a ghost!
"Oh!" I gasped. "Hello."
"I'm Keith Woods."
"If you don't mind muh askin' why ya here? Everyone seems afraid of me."
"Here, come in first."
"Okay." I followed him into the modestly furnished house.

"You see, my children were playing over here and told me they saw a ghost, you, I decided to come check it out...can ghosts have babies?"
"Yesss." He looked at me strangely.
"Well, see...I'm trying to have one hundred babies...and a ghost daddy would be interesting...would you..."
"Woohoo with you?"
"I guess...er-yeah..only way to make babies. Oh! That was stupid." I blushed.

"It's okay." He hugged me. "I'd love to participate. I'm a ghost and everyone seems to doubt me. They're all supernatural skeptics. I'll never get to preserve my legacy."
"Well, I can help...but the problem is I can't let you seem them once they're born."
"I...it's the only way?"

We sat down on the couch and began to get to know one another.
"How did you die?" I blurted out.
"What?" I persisted.
"It's stupid. I choked on a jelly bean."
"A jelly bean?" I laughed.
"See? Stupid."
"No, no...I just though you'd be scarier."
"Me? Scary? Keith Woods, is not scary!" He pretended to be offended.
"How old are you?"
"Too old." I died as an elder, but they brought me back as a baby. I've had two live; two childhoods.
"Wow...hey wanna come back to my place?"
"Sure." He shrugged; everything was very casual.
We hopped into my car and drove back. Just as I parked and walked into the kitchen, Magenta was aged up!

She has her daddy's hair, my eyes, and loves green.

I got right to the baby making. We relaxed on my bed, and we quickly cut to the act; no playing and teases.

"Come on," I whispered as we slipped underneath the covers. Ghost woohoo was odd. He kept slipping through everything, including me! We tried and tried to get me pregnant, until finally we decided that it worked.

"Wow...you're quiet the woman."
"Thanks...you're quiet the ghost guy."

Turquoise aged up, while I was making a new one. (Download here!)

Burgundy aged up next, then Indigo went.

Lastly, Blue aged into a teenager. Sadly, he received his daddy's big boned genes, minus the muscle!

"Soooo.....we're not seeing each other again. Okay?"

"I told you!" I yelled through gritted teeth.
"Oh, yes. You're a fat, lazy, slu'tty wh'ore."
"Oh no you didn't!"
"Puh-leaze. Gurl didn't you know that there's a reason people hate me? I'm evil."

No one calls me that. No one.

Needless to say, Ms. Slu'tty Mama Bear won.
"Never come back as long as you live! Or die!" I screamed, unsure of which life state he was in.
The triplets moved out, quickly and I went to bed. My day had been interesting, to say the least.

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