Friday, March 1, 2013

Chapter 43

I woke up, ran to the bathroom, and puked. What a great way o start the day.

Athena's now a toddler!

Then, Hermes went.

And last, but certainly not least, Venus went.

My baby girls are aging up, before my eyes! I'm luck that there's no sisterly rivalry going on. Hermes, on the other hand, likes to play by himself; he won't be Mr.Drama Queen.

I'll be adding a new little life to my family soon; I'm pregnant!

I trained some tots, then laid them down for some nappies. I didn't want to wander to far, in case they woke up and I didn't have a baby monitor,

so I painted.

I assumed having triplets with no teens to help out would be a challenge, but honestly it wasn't to bad. They would nap, I'd paint. It was nice to have a little free time for an hour or a half a day.

I felt a slight pain in-OUCH! My water broke! The baby was on it's way.

I decided to go to the hospital, instead of waiting it out pain meds free. I headed home a grueling, but surprisingly short seven and a half hours later.

I had triplets, again! Hera, Persephone, and Aphrodite. One of them even inherited Austin's shining red skin! Hopefully she doesn't get my red hair, as seems at least one of my children from each set have to, though!

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