I try to be a good mother. Honestly, I do. It just gets a little...hard. With bills to pay, constantly trying to remember the do's and do not's of pregnancy, the Italian vampys, and, not to mention, the worry of hooking up with some dude that had an STD and would ruin my life forever. I'v been lucky...things could have been a lot worse. I guess the fact that I don't go out and party that much and try to keep a low profile helps keep people from labeling me a sl,ut. I try to not hookup with married men...it can get a little hard though...but it's never my intentions.

Birthday time!

Mars grew up to be a handsome blonde boy.

Terry went next. Strangely, he reminds me of Terry Wilkson, more than any of his actually children did, even though Mars's father is Jacoby.

Lastly, Olympia went. I still have no idea where the black hair came from!

Of course, my children had to head right for the video game console I'd purchased for their room.

Then, Olympia, who, if I had to pick, was the fitness nut of the family, exercised. She didn't even bother to pick up her clothes!
I tucked the kiddos into bed, then decided to sneak out to the only bar. I needed a baby daddy and I figured going to a bar would be the best choice because of two reasons. One, if I was drunk, I'd be less picky on who I hook up with and two, I hadn't had any "nectar" in a looooooong time.

I didn't even make it past the doors, though because the bouncer was rather cute. He could lose about twenty pounds the waist and would be much handsomer, but he would do.

"So...single, much?"
"Yeah...hey..do you want to grab a drink? I know this great bar in town."
"Really?" I laughed. "Is it near by?"
"Oh, yeah...'bout three steps forward."
"Okay. But first..."

I leaned forward and hugged him. "Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts." I thought. He was rather...how am I suppose to say it? I felt like I was hugging a marshmallow. Maybe kissing would be better?

Kissing was defiantly better! He was sweet and passionate.
"We probably should get some nectar in our systems first." We walked upstairs and did shots until I, and he, was stumbling around, drunk.

We made out, several times until I sobered enough to realize that kissing wasn't going to put a baby I so badly in me.

He picked me up and carried me out to the balcony.

He sat me on the railing and we did dangerous, dangerous fun.
"Yeah, we got-" He began puking his guts out. Gross! I dashed away, as quick as humanly possible. I felt kinda bad, but I figured that if he didn't remember me, why explain?

Ew! Guess what morning secret means. I'm pregnant!

I guess we'll be adding a new little member to the family.

The kiddies first day of school! Everyone's growing up so fast.

Around a way to early six am, I decided to play football with Zeus. I was horrible, but he still seemed to enjoy that.

"Mom! Can I feel the baby kick?"
"Of course, sweetie."
"It's kicking! It's kicking!"
"That's your new brother or sister."
"Cool! I can't wait to see them! Can..."
"Can you?"
"Pick the name?"
"Well...why not? Sure. Just don't tell your brothers."
NOTE: the poll had closed :) There will be a new one soon, so keep an eye out for that