I was teaching Blue to walk and talk. It was a slow process, yet a fabulous time killer. Oh, and you know, the whole be a good mom thing.

Then, I potty trained him.
"Gawsh! That smells toxic." I thought.

It's Apollo's birthday! He's officially a teenager today.

He had bushy eyebrows and pitch black hair. Overall, he wasn't the drop dead gorgeous type, but he wasn't sore on the eyes, either. I really shouldn't judge my children. Self esteem and the crap they teach in every anti-bullying, be yourself lecture. (Download here)

Blue aged up! Thank goodness, to. He wasn't a multiple or anything, but he was almost more work.

I was worn out and I figured since the kids weren't going to burn the house down, I could take a nap. I woke up half an hour later, feeling queasy.

I ended up puking in the house's only bathroom. Honestly, it seems like every home I buy only has one bathroom.

The kids started fighting because the TV broke so, being a good mom, I fixed it for them. It was seven o'clock by the time I finished. I made the kids dinner and spent them to bed around eight; tomorrow was a school day.

I watched a sappy romance movie. I felt sorry for the actors. Having to repeat lines like that, trying to sound se'xy yet coming out sounding ignorant and clueless can't be fun.

I pictured the red head bride as myself....I wish my wedding to Winthrop had been a fairytale like that. Maybe after my challenge I'll marry someone...or adopt a bunch of cats.

I took the test and turns out I've got a little bun in the oven.

Joys. Turquoise found a snake.
"Eek!" I screamed.
"Mom, chill. Bryan doesn't like loud noises."
"I swear, you scared me so bad, I almost went into labor!"
"Can we keep him?" I sighed. I told her we couldn't keep the stray and know I'm going to tell her that she can't keep the snake.


"You know the rules. We can't adopt a snake. Where would we put his terrarium?"
"Well in my room..."
"Honey, I'm sorry. What if he escaped? And with babies and little tikes constantly around..."

"Ugh! We can't keep anything can we?! I hate you!"
"I don't mean it!" She fearfully said.
"Just release him and I'll forget that last sentence and your years of punishment."
"Okay....Sorry Bryan."

I walked outside with her and she tearfully released him back into the wild.
"Bye, bye Bryan! Mummy wuves oo!" Mummy wuves oo? The child makes emotional attachments faster than I can get knocked up. Maybe that isn't the best metaphor. Fifty plus children and you'd think I'd learn what you don't say, or think, about your children. Sadly, I didn't get the Terrans tact of my mother.

Think about this a little.

snake+deer= RIP Bryan
Note:I needed to make a short little post, so here it is :) -Hugs-
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