I was escaping my home full of whiny, wonderful, and in some cases, hormonal, kids to go out and grab a drink or two at the bar.

"Hey, I'll have whatever your specialty is tonight." I told the bartender. I'd bought some cute new party clothes, and wanted to try them out and see how many daddies I got this night.
"Well, I got this special little. Drink. Make ya a wild little party animal."
"Great, whatever." I smiled at him.

"Here ya go, sweet thang." He gave me round of yellowish cocktails.

I drank them like shots, one after another. They made me feel excited, caffeinated, and to drunk to realize anything.

"Morrrre." I slurred. The man set two trays out, one of party drinks, the other a concoction I had no idea the name of.

"That's alll yaaa gott?" I slurred, feeling a little tipsy.
"I probably should cut you off...bar rules."
"Really?" I leaned forward, "Nother rounnnnd."
"Okay." He smiled, I pulled my top up, and he set one tray in front of me.
"Onnnne?" I wanted more. I leaned forward again, giving him a glance.
"I shouldn't...here." He handed me a few trays full of drinks, slipping a red romance drink in the field of yellow and purple concoctions. I didn't care though, my vision was too blurred to tell.
"Soo...you any me, do a little-"
"Blahu!" I ended up losing my last drink all over the counter.
"Er, never mind."
I slipped away, as quiet as a drunk could into my car. If I'd been sober, I'd know not to drive, but I wasn't. If I was sober, I wouldn't have a reason not to drive. I was on a woohooo rampage, again. Stupid love drinks.

I parked my car and stumbled into a familiar apartment building. I dialed a number I vaguely remembered.
"Heeey, baaabbeeey!" I slurred.
"Who's this?" The masculine, gruff voice asked.
"Youuu know meee."
"Oh," he swore several times. "Alyssa. I'll be down...just don't do anything stupid."
"Hehe! I'm gonna have ya," I said a word for woohoo I instantly regretted.
The elevator doors opened and Mr.B stepped out.
"Alyssa, we can't do this. My boss would-"
"Commmmmme on. I wants a baby! Gimme it!"
"Alyssa, no. I'm a lawyer, legally this might be r-"
"Oh, yeaaah. You'rrrrre sso se'xy. Ooo! If wwwwee married would yyyooou," I said the regrettable synonym again. "Hec'kk thas all we do! We make babies!"
"Alyssa, you're insanely drunk, I'm not-"
"One nighttt wouldn't killllll ya."

I threw myself at him again, pressing my body against his cold abs, guiding his hands down, down, further until he was feeling everything he could have.
"Let's go to my apartment. You can sleep on the couc-" I obviously wasn't about to take no for an answer. I began playing with him, as he lead me to the elevator.
"No elevator woohoo."
"Hehhe! You said woohoo! We gonna woohoo."

"Come here, babbby." I massaged him and kissed his lips.
"Alyssssa." He sighed.
"Fine...if you want it, you'll have to work for it....you won't stop until you get what you want...it's admirable, when you aren't using the talent for bad "
"Oh, yeah. I'm a bad, bad girl." He slipped my top off, as I clung to him, slipping his suit jacket off, next pulling at the buttons on his shirt. He kissed my bare chest, as I tried to undress him. When I finally got him shirtless, he slipped his hands down,tugging at the hemline of my skirt, pulling it farther down. I ignorantly hadn't worn any underwear, leaving me bare. I fumbled with his zipper, having him drop his pants. Our last scraps of dignity where then removed, leaving us natural. He picked me up and kissed ever inch of me. I wrapped my legs around him and he began the baby making process.
We tried to fix ourselves up, as the elevator doors sprung open.

"Eek!" I screamed.

We rode to his apartment's floor and I passed out on the couch.

"Huhhhh." I murmured. I had a massive hangover.
"Wake up." I sat up abruptly, noticing that I wasn't at home. Crap. "Here." A man handed me a cup of coffee, which I drank with joy.
"Have an aspirin or something?" I asked.
"Here." He handed me a pill.
"Mr. B?"
"Yes, Alyssa?"
"What am I...?"
"You were drunk. You came stumbling in, forcing me into woohoo."
"I forced you?" I raised a questioning eyebrow.
"Ask the management."
"They have the tape from the security camera."
"Oooh noo..."
"Wait..." the though hit me. "Am I pregnant?"
"What?!" Panic struck his face.
"Lets..." Before I could say anything, he was driving me to the hospital.

I walked into the hospital, while he waited outside. An hour later, I ran outside.

"I'm not pregnant!" I shouted, joyfully.
"That's great!"
"Oh, the irony!" I giggled.
"Normally I'm dying to get a little life inside me." He didn't make a comment.

"You know, I had a pregnancy test in my purse. No need for the hospital's interference."
"Ooohh...here." He gave me a wad of simeleons to cover the bill.
"Insurance covers most-"
"Take the money." I did.
"Was I one?"
"One what?"
"A dad."
"Well...no." I lied. I liked him, but I didn't want his involvement with my parenting, or my challenge. I felt guilty. I shouldn't have said that, but I couldn't help it...If he was involved with Blue, how would he feel about me sl'utting it up with another guy and having their baby?
"Oh. Do you...want coffee maybe?"

"Look...We hooked up, twice...I, we're never dating." I probably shouldn't have said that.

"I'm trying to be nice! You obviously don't have to many friends because of your children, I thought you'd want one."
"Oh!" I felt embarrassed. I'm sor-"

He ran away. Flight or fight, I guess.

At home, I played with Magenta.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.
"Mom!" A voice screamed.
"What, Blue?" I sighed.
"Honey, come home."
"WHat's the address?" I asked.
"The ghost lives at," he hammered off the address.
"I'll drive there."
"NO! I'm at the library."
"What about the haunted-?"
"Billy and I where at his house, and we went over to play in this old abandoned home and we saw him! We ran back to his parent's home and his mom drove me to the library."
"WHy not just home?"
"I wanted to research ghosts. Turns they're real. Some big experiment in ninteen-oh-seven went wrong and brought the dead's souls back. Now, they roam the world."
"Ahh." Like vampires, and other supernaturals, where created by a plague, ghosts have their own back story. "I'll pick you up in five minutes."
Ghosts? I didn't doubt that they were real, vampires were, but did Blue actually see one? It was anyone's guess there.
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