Birthday time once again in the Terrans household! Olympia went first.

(outfit gifted by:Serendipity38)

First, Zeus went

then Mars did!

I taught Zeus to walk and talk

and Mars to walk.

In the morning, I decided to hire a babysitter and take a stroll with Olympia to the park.

I met a friendly, aging man named Mario.

We kissed and I invited him over.

"Oh, baby." He murmured as we tried to lunge ourselves down each other's throats. "Carino piccolo tesoro. Cute, little baby!" I wasn't exactly turned on, but hey. At least he tried. "Prendiamo questo per la doccia." He whispered something more.
"Huh?" I didn't speak Italian. A little French, obviously Simlish, and I can count to five in Spanish.
"Let us take this to the shower. Oh..your petto!" Why did this man keep using Italian?
"What?" I exasperatedly said.
"Your chest...so big." That's it! I'm getting a reduction as soon as I can. The man started out a bit charming, but he was getting creepier by the minute..and he reminded me of the vampire Antonio D'Allesandro...who's wife's lawyers (or scary hit men, I didn't know what to call them) promised to cause harm if I had fifty children! I couldn't hook up with him...I wasn't giving up, but if it risked my children's life I wasn't going to do it with any plain old stranger! But what was my other option? I didn't know anyone who I could use as back up baby daddy material.

"Look, I can't...can't do it with you. You...I had a...who was Italian... it's to painful..."
"Ragazza stupida! Sciocco, sciocco! Fare questa scelta! In Italia ... beh io sono nato in questo paese... ma in Italia una donna ascoltato! Non era un ingenuo-"
"Um, yeah. The door's that way." I listened to what was clearly butchered, choppy Italian. I had no idea what he was saying, yet it seemed Italian and he seemed to be angry.
"Non voglio andare! Beh ... lo farò! Ma con dignità mai una piccola peste che dorme intorno era! Ti piace Mario? Beh Mario non come te! Buon giorno!" Then, he left. Great, more incorrect Italian. (I apologize! I do not know Italian, so I used Google Translate, which I noticed makes quite a few mistakes...)

I tired teaching Olympia to talk and walk,

Mars to talk,

and to potty train Olympia. I miss have older children around..I really should find a daddy that doesn't get all creepy when we make out...
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