Ah. The familiarity of birthdays. Life seems repetitive, doesn't it?

Indigo aged up into a no nonsense teenager. I'm a little worried, because she's so focused on her goals, she forgets the other, little things in life. Like talking to people.

Turquoise aged up next!Download here!

As soon as we finished eating cake, she snuck into my bedroom and rummaged around for a new "hip" outfit.

Seem familiar? She found Persephone's (download here!) old clothes from back when she was a teen. Of course, she wore a lace tank top that seemed to serve no purpose, other than make me hope a crazy hormonal teenage boy doesn't decided to take advantage of her and make me a grandmother, once again.

Lastly, Burgundy aged up.

He dressed up a little childish for his age, with a puppy dog tee and his pretty locks of curls. but he still had a boyish adorableness to him.
To celebrate, I popped a bowl of popcorn and let the kids have their fist sip of the caffeinated beverage that would drive them bouncing off the walls: Coffee. A cute romatic comedyabout two co-workers was on TV, which INdigo and I decided to watch as a Mother-Daughter bonding activity. Granted, staring at a screen for two hours isn't actual bonding, but we are in the same room. Burgundy went upstairs to do who knows what, while Turquoise tried giving herself a makeover in the bathroom mirror.
"Hey, Mom." Indigo asked.
"Yes, sweetie?"
"Uh, there's a puddle on the floor."
"What? Why would there be-? Ohhhh...."
"Your water just break? Ohmigawdsh!" She started freaking out as I felt the first contraction.

"Ohhh! OWWWWWWW! Ouch!"

Of course, she eventually got bored of the whole-Mom's-getting-blood-all-over-the-place-****** gives birth-lying-on the-floor thing and decided to take a nap. I felt odd. Oh, crap. Babies can't get stuck can they? "Push, push, push." I muttered, wishing I had the hospital's extra strength painkillers.

Mean while, Apollo aged up into a young adult.
"Hey, uh son."
"Yeah Mom?"
"I'm kinda giving bi-RTHHH! OWW!"
"Yeah, uh. Gotta go." He then proceeded to move out as I helplessly lay there, pushing a new life into the world. How did I mess up with his parenting so bad? I didn't give him a ton of attention, but honestly ignoring a heavily soon-to-not-be pregnant woman?

He got into his cheap, old, banged up car and drove away. I honestly think that he's insane.

Indigo finally woke up, to practice her charisma and writing skills. She wants to be a journalist or a CEO when she grows up, so I assume it's good she's practicing both skills, but while I'm in standing there screaming in pain?

After a way to painful labor that lasted for a couple hours, while my children all ignored me, I delivered a healthy, bouncing baby girl who I named Magenta, all by myself. (Which was beyond awkward and an experience I'm never wanting to have to go through for the rest of my forty-six or less births.)
I cleaned everything up and passed out on the bed. I was exhausted.

In the morning, I quietly chewed breakfast, then painted the day away, into the hour of eight. I was getting a little desperate to go out and hit the town hmm....maybe I'll do that.
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