I was steaming mad. I wasn't going to vent though. My children came first and I needed to make sure they grew up in a nice home. Sadly, that meant chores. I did get to beat the stove with a hammer while I was fixing it. That helped a little.

Then, the household silently slept.

Sorta. I ended up getting up in the middle of my nap.

It was to late to go back t sleep, but to early to start making breakfast, so I painted.

After the children woke up, started watching Saturday morning cartoons and my usual sitter stopped by, I went to visit Allie. Guess what! I'm pregnant!
"Hey, Sweetie!"
"Hi Mom."
"What's up?"
"Bob died."
"What?! When?"
"Two weeks ago."
"Are you okay? You sound so...so monotone. You sound emotionless."
"He...he told me that he loved me. That I needed to stay strong. Then he-he." She choked up.
"It's okay, sweetie. It'll be okay."
"I've processed everything; I've mourned, now I just need to cope."
"Sweetie, I'm here for you."
"Thanks. I really needed to hear that. I've been running away to-"
"To? Where'd you go? It's all right, you can tell me."
"The sports bar. I'd work until five, go buy at east seven or eight drinks, pass out from exhaustion, let whoever do whatever to me, then wake up, rush to the gym or library to freshen up, and head to work. Tisha and Benito have practically been orphans."
Wait. Allie has two children!? Please don't tell me that the whoever do whatever hadn't meant she got pregnant by some street gang man after passing out. "Who's Tisha and Benito?" I politely asked.
"My twins." I had them a week after Bob...they're the last piece of him I have..."
"Congrats! Can I meet them?" I said, trying to change the subject.
"Kids! Grandma's here!" She yelled, way to cheerfully. I tried not to wince at the grandma part. I wasn't old enough to be a grandma!

My grankid are so cute! I wish Allie had told me sooner, though...

Then, I went to the Spring Festival. I ending up making out with a random guy. Since I kissed him about ten times, it cost me half of a hundred. Sad... I'm paying for kisses...

I went egg hunting.

I went home to tidy up the house.

Look at my little artist...in his underwear...even the most normal child I had (He's artistic, good, and friendly) isn't that normal. I blame the father.

We celebrated birthdays all around! I have two teens and two toddlers! Of course, I had to get right to the training...for a few days that's all I did...once again.

Henry loved to play with the blocks!

After the eldest twins cam home from school they'd work on homework, eat dinner, paint or watch TV, chat on their phones, then go to bed. This day, however they brought a friend home...Tisha, their niece, my grand baby. Akward.

They worked on homework together, like everything was normal.

I fed Henry.

I tried to potty train him, but he didn't want to! We only got half way done.

I was getting very large.

Also, Edward's friend Samuel Johnson came over.

They obviously were notjust friends.

Francine tried to help potty train Henry, but to no avail.

I decided to step in and help. I finished training him, but...

This is the second time that this happened! I bet I'll have twins again, too.

I hightailed it out of there and headed to the empty nursery/children's bedroom.

It's happening....

Meet Icabod and Jasper! My twin boys...Francine and I are the only girls in the household, but not for long, because...

it's the eldest twin's birthdays! They decided to stay for the toddler twins' birthday party, then move out.

The eldest twins moved out, so now Gracen and Henry are the eldest. They both fell asleep and started dreaming, while I painted.

On Sunday morning, I called up Bryce and asked him what's his friend's name was. I ended up being so desperate I wrote a love letter to my son's BFF (excuse me, BFF is girly, so I'm told. We will go with pal, instead.)

Henry painted.

Gracen had a bake sale.

and I went over to Bryce's pal's home. Imre Chess was rather...plump, but I wasn't about to lecture him on why you shouldn't eat two fried PB&J's and a tub of ice cream every other hour, I wasn't the queen of fitness exactly, either.

We had fun.

We had so much fun, the shower broke! I felt guilty, so I fixed it.

I broke it off, then went to check out his dad. Ew.

We both where flirty, tough so it worked.

No sooner then I got home, I puked. Double ew. Honestly, this is gross. Why does my stomach upset so easily?
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