"Hey. Hey, um-" I tried to remember his name. "Gobias!"
"Uhhh." He groaned.
"Wake UP!"
"Huh? Wha-" He shot up, out of bed.
"Hey." I said to him, as I got out of bed.
"Good morning." He replied. "What...what time is it?" He asked.
"Eleven thirtyish," I replied.
"Eleven th-?! I had to go to work at nine!" He then hurriedly threw on his tee shirt and jeans.
"Um, okay. Do you want to like...meet..."
"How about Wednesday day? I'm really busy today and Tuesday, but I can come over-er we can meet, maybe; get to know each other."
"We sorta did last night." I lied. All I knew was his name and that he was single. "But, Wednesday would be fine, my place?"
"Great, uh, not to rush, but I really have to get going."
"Of course," I replied, then went to open the door for him. "Goodbye." I said, then kissed him goodbye.

Then, I decided to make myself waffles. I burnt them, a little, but I couldn't afford to waste food.

I decided to try and earn a little money by doing some painting in the Summer sun, even though I felt a little nauseous.

Moments later, I was throwing up. Gross, was my cooking really that bad?
I didn't feel feel like painting, so I decorated!

At least that didn't cost anything, really.

Guess what! I'm pregnant...and my shower broke.

I decided to do a little painting, so I could buy somethings for the baby. I really hope that it's a girl, I just repainted everything pink!

I was thinking about visiting the library, to read a parenting book, but then my toilet broke! I really need better bathroom appliances!

I was so tired, afterwards, I went straight to bed, not even realizing that a burglar broke in and stole my stove. How do you steal a stove?

Tuesday, I just painted.

It's Wednesday, look how big I'm getting!

I received a call saying that the school would like to have me teach a class on painting. They'd even pay me! I ate breakfast, cleaned myself up, and waddled to the school. Man, I really hope I have this kid soon.
It was around four, I was almost done teaching the class, and I went into labor! When I said I wanted to have the kid soon, I didn't mean right now, and especially, not in front of a bunch of children!The teacher started freaking out, and wasn't helpful at all. He said to finish class up. I thought it was strange, but I needed the money. Then, I slowly waddled outside.

I decided that it was probably best to to straight to the hospital, since the school board probably wouldn't appreciate it if I had a kid on their side walk.
I made it just in time. Sorta. I had the kid in the hospital's lobby.

Meet Allie, my baby girl! She's artistic and a couch potato. I felt so guilty! What mom can't even afford a crib for her baby? Poor Allie...she won't be living in luxury!

I cleaned the sink, and sold some flowers I found at the park. Who knew Indian Blankets, Cosmos, and Sulfurs could sell for so much?! I can buy Allie a crib!

It's even pink.
I may not be rich, but I know how to decorate!
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