It was a bright, clear morning. My stomach was grumbling, because I didn't feel like trying to not burn a plate of waffles that'd later be stuck in the fridge, until I bothered to clean it out, I ate cereal. I felt like not really doing much, so I fed the children, changed diapers, put them down for naps, then decided to do a little cardio, then paint.

I was into the horrible habit of not bothering to work out, gaining weight, then trying to lose the excess pounds. After I lost the needed weight, I wouldn't pay any attention to the bathroom scale, until I realized that my waist had grown a fourth or two of an inch.

Afterwards, I decided to play with Marcus. It was fine...until I went into labor!

I scurried, as fast as a woman in labor could, to my bedroom.

I couldn't tell if it was minuted or hours later; I was in so much pain, I'd given birth to triplets! Oh boy, to sets of triplets...

Meet Nicole, Olivia, and Penny! Poor Marcus, no other boys around.

Curiously, a rather green man in an astronaut costume came up to my porch, and looked around. He didn't stay for more then a minute, before he beamed off to a space shuttle. Huh. It isn't Spooky Day, is it? No, it's to early.

I decided to finish my cardio, for the afternoon, then, celebrate a few birthdays!

Everyone aged up! I felt a tad worried about Kylynn...she was a tad...chubby(Sorry, had trouble getting a good pic!)

I couldn't help but feel obligated to teach them their skills...

Thet is, until Mr.Alien showed up!

We woohooed quickly in the shower. It wasn't exactly romantic, but I flt tired and in no mood to be Ms.Romance.

I quickly cut things off, the put everyone, including myself, to bed.

It's the first day of school, for the eldest triplets! I guiltily slept in, waking up an hour after they'd returned. Oops! Bad mum!

I taught the triplet toddlers a few skills, while Marcus and Lanelle tried to do some mathematics.

Kylynn later joined them.

I decided to try and make their favorite meal, as an I'm sorry.

I ended up having to puke, right after the fish and chips where on the stove! Ew, I ended up dirtying the toilet!

I burned the food, but at least I didn't burn my home down! I could be homeless, briefly, but my children would never be. Not if it was up to me.

I quickly bought more ingredients, and prepared a new batch.

Lanelle and I quickly grabbed plates, then Kylynn did, and marcus waited to eat until the three of us sat down.

Lanelle cleaned up for me, she wanted a dollhouse, so I told her I'd buy her one if she behaved and helped out around the house. Kylynn tried to work out a little. She wasn't athletic, so she had trouble. Poor Ky! And, guess what, I'm pregnant! With an alien's baby...

I taught everyone to walk and talk, potty training was the only thing left for me to do.

I decided to wait, clean the toilet, and upgrade it so I never have to clean it again! Thank goodness.

There was a sale on cake, so I stocked up!

This is my household; it's full of blondes! Well, except for Lanelle, she's my beautiful brunette. She's a genius, tough so the blonde mentality and dumb blonde jokes wouldn't apply to her, even if she was blonde.

Oh, boy! My little girl's toy cam to life! Hmm...if i wasn't expecting (and baby makes eight!) I'd offer to try and find the potion to make him real! Yes, I bought the toy that gave my children the ability to create potions and turn each other into ghosts! What was I thinking...
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