We celebrated birthdays! Isn't Gracen so pretty? I love her hair and fashion!

I tried teaching Jasper how to talk.
"Mommy. Can you say mommy Jasper? Maw-mee."
"Ma-ee! Hehe. Yuh-woo Ma-ee?"
"Yes, Jasper! I'm Mommy!" Having kids is a ton of work, but it's rewarding. Seeing your little angel giggle, smile, and say Mommy defiantly makes me the proudest "ma-ees" is the city!

I started to get a little tired, so Gracen stepped in to help.
"Thanks, sweetie!"
"No prob, Mom."

Guess what! I'm pregnant! I had to tell Gracen.
"I have some news..."
"Ohmigawsh you're okay, right?"
"I'm fine. It's just that...I'm pregnant! You'll have a baby sister or another baby brother!"
"Ohmigawsh! This is great! I hope I don't age up before she's born! I wish we had more girls in the house."
"I do, too. I love my little boys, but honestly I miss having a little toddler who I can dress adorably!"

Then, Gracen taught Jasper how to walk. She's so helpful. Henry potty trained both of the twins, after Gracen had finished.

I thanked them by getting up early before they had to go to school and teaching them both how to drive.

While they were at school, I taught Icabod how to walk and talk.

He loves the blocks!

After the teen twins got home, they did there homework and played with the youngest twins.

I went over to visit Bryce, when I met Darrin, Allyena's baby! Oh boy...I'm a great-grandmother! Obviously, this family doesn't believe in waiting to have children, at all!

We celebrated the twins', both sets, birthdays! Graven didn't get to see the new baby before she moved out! Poor thing...she wanted-

On second thought, she might see a little more then she was hoping for! I'm fairly certain she did notwant to see me actually give birth! Awkward...

Meet Kylynn, Lanelle (I think I might call her Nellie), and Marcus. I finally, finally had triplets! Triple trouble! Gracen snuggled each baby, then she and Henry move out...I don't blame them, for a few seconds, it was a full house! I wonder if I'll be able to manage triplets...I better be, I wanted them!
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