Snow day!!!! I swear, my children never have to go to school in the winter!

Bryce just seemed to be working on a little love note...hmm...should I interfere or let this run it's course?

Doesn't my house look like a tiny cottage off a holiday card?
After my chat with Allie, I received a call from Matt. He invited me over for a Feast Party. I agreed, against my best judgement.

Turns out, he doesn't have a house. And the dress code was swimwear.

Was this a party, or an excuse to see your ex in a skimpy bikini? The joke was on him, though! I was wearing my maternity one piece! Nothing cute about that. I left right away, he's insane. Besides, where's his wife?

I cooked spaghetti for dinner, the twin's favorite!

Bryce was at the Prom!

After eating, I zoned out by watching another mindless kids show.
Around eleven, rather late, he came home. Bryce was Prom King! And he met a girl, Magdalena, who was Prom Queen! He introduced us to her, at home.

They cuddled...and snogged on the couch.

Then Bryce (and his girlfriend) aged into young adults! Oh, boy!

And look who came to visit! A very pregnant Allie.

Bryce really likes that Magdalena, who I'm calling Maggie, girl.

We celebrated the twin's birthdays! Oh boy, two teens!

And guess who went into labor.

I had twins, a boy and a girl!

Meet Edward and Francine.

Bryce and Maggie tied the knot, too! I missed it, of course.

Turns out there was a bigger reason for Bryce's and Maggie's wedding! I'm a granny! Oh boy... I'm only a young adult!
"Mom, meet Allyena Josephine." (Allie-N-UH) Bryce, introduced me.
"She's a few day's old!" Maggie, beamed.
"We...um," Bryce muttered.
"A few day's ago, before we graduated, we did somethings..." Maggie mumbled.
"She told me at Prom, what had happened and that I was a dad."
"We're sorry, Miss. Ter-"
"Call me mom, or at least Alyssa. I understand, you mad a mistake, but at least you didn't run away, you fixed it. I could lecture you, but it's to late. What's done is done, and I have the most adorable granddaughter ever! I'm disappointed that you didn't wait until after high school, but at least you didn't leave each other. Allyena will have a loving home, with married parents. No one has to know what you guys did."
"Thanks mom!" Bryce said.
"Yes, thanks, Mis- Alyssa. I invited Bryce to move in with my parents. They're upset, but it's the best we can do."
"Nonsense. Here." I gave them a little money, enough to buy a house big enough for at least two more children, and sent them on their way.
Two babies and two teens. My house is emptying out!

Clarissa really likes music! Maybe I have the nest rock star on my hands.

Or maybe I have two young adults! Clarissa and Daisy aged up, before my eyes and decided to move out and start a band! Two babies....I feel so weird, not having a full house anymore.
I went out for a few drinks at a sports bar...

I decided, that since I obviously needed to find a new man, and my regular look tended to attractive weird, insane, or old men, that I'd visit the salon and get a new makeover! It was edgy, I hoped, and a little black and red. I even died my hair black!

I decided my look would be perfect for a certain family. The Goths. I drove to their mansion and knocked on the door.

Mortimer answered it! He's cute...he doesn't look like the daring man I wanted, bot I can't be picky. Can I?

We got along, real well.

we even kissed!

Then, things started to get a little hotter. He's a really good kisser!

Before I knew it, we where upstairs.

Oops. Maybe, when picking a man, I shouldn't go to bars first.
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