I was tired of my darling, screaming children, so I went to go enjoy the winter weather.
I ended up falling flat on my behind!
"Uh, excuse me Miss."
"Hmm? Yeah."
"Do you need help? Up?" He put his hand out, which I gladly used to pull myself up with.
"Thanks." I said smiling. "Oh, I'm Alyssa, by the way."
"Oh, that's a...nice name."
"Thanks. So's yours.Would you like a tad help with the skating?"
"Sure," I laughed, "I'm not exactly a pro."
"Nor I. I learned last winter, after I saw the art gracefully executed."
"Oh..." We held hands and spun round the rink. It was pleasant. I
thought about what he said. Two winters ago, Allie moved out. Now, I
have two, three including Allyena, grandchildren. I'd never think I'd
be a granny so soon. I love my family though, that's what matters, not
my age. "Chaim, I uh, have to go."
"Um, okay. Goodbye Alyssa. Call me sometime, we might want to get to know each other, better."
"Yeah." I quickly said, before running off.
A moment later, I was in the park's public bathroom, puking. Lovely......
I didn't want to go back to Chaim, after I'd abruptly left, so I
decided to order some eggnog. Of course, it was juiced up. I wasn't
about to take the weak children's drink! Uh oh... I'm pregnant! I hope
the eggnog didn't hurt!
At home, I painted to earn a little money. I hadn't painted in so long...triplets take time, and lots of it.
Then, I fed the twins and set them down to play.
I cooked us some fried peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Yep, I'm defiantly a health freak. Cake, fried food, and pizza!
After I'd done my normal nightly routine, I went to bed.
Unfortunately, Terry woke up crying! Poor doll, he was starving! I fed
him, but by that time, Quinn had woken and I figured I might as well
start the day.
I upgraded the stereo, the music was so scratchy and awful!
I upgraded the toilet so it was self-cleaning, also! No more scrubbing my lunch off the commode for me!
Out of nothing, but pure boredom, I baked a pumpkin pie for us.
Quinn aged up! Her fashion sense is....questionable, but she's an adult, so I can't exactly nag her.
Uh oh! Here comes a baby!
And the triplets aged up! I missed another birthday due to the birth of another.
Meet Udele and Vanessa. They're my adorable twin girls!
To celebrate I went to The Grind, order the cheapest drink on the
menu. I accidently ended up dancing on the table. Oops. It was a trashy,
cheap place though; I don't think the bartender minded much. I went
home and then took care of my babies. Quinn hugged me and said her
goodbyes, then she moved out.
Me and my babies.....
It's my birthday. I'm officially a teen. I wish I could go out and
party, but I know that mom needs my help. She'll never say anything, but
I know she wouldn't want me to. It isn't like I have a thousand friends
(or one) to party with, or even one.
The triplets are aging up!
I tried to teach Raina to talk. Honestly, I didn't mind having to
help around the house, I just wonder who... helped create the little
screaming b-angels. I can't ask mom. She seems awkward around
most men, even a handsome cop when he stopped her for speeding; I'm
afraid I'd upset her. I wonder if my parents divorced...but she
obviously is seeing someone. Babies don't just appear...and I
know about genetics. The triplets have purple or blonde hair. I'm an-an
alien, I think. I'm green and I can do things to...things with people's
minds that no one else can. I asked the kids at my school. They teased
me, not that I told mom. She'd freak out; go ballistic.
"Can you sat star Raina? St-are."
"St-awe! Hehehe. Qy (Kuh-Y) say st-awe!"
"Yes," I sighed. "Qy says star." Qy. Is that my nickname, now?
Mom worked on teaching the boys to talk and walk.
"Wheee! QY teachy me to walk-ee!"
"Yes, Raina I'm teaching you to walk."
"Wobble, obble-y! Me walk-y like a big giwl!" After I finished, I
went to bed. Mom took care of giving the triplets their mashed up baby
food and changing diapers, then laid them down for a nap. The biggest
thing I'm grateful for, is the fact that they can sleep through the
night, or at least until five or six, when I have to get up to get ready
for school. In the morning, I prepared myself jam and bread, showered,
and boarded the bus. Wonderful. My life as a Sunset Valley High unpopular, nerd.
Alyssa's Perspective
In the morning, I hired a babysitter and went to visit a handsome
hunk I saw while buying birthday cake at the grocery store. He winked,
gave me a number and address, and continued buying some lobster and
assorted veggies.
I might have accidentally shown up in my sleep ware. He didn't
mind, though. I learned his name was Biblo Queen, and he's so cutesy!
He asked me out on a date. We visited the art gallery. We browsed the art and flirted a little. It was fun.
Quinn's Perspective
Meanwhile At Home...
As soon as I stepped off the bus, I did my homework, and trained
the tots. I was so family oriented...I just can't help it. It's a
blessing and a curse.
Alyssa's Perspective
We dashed off to tour City Hall. Of course, Biblo grabbed my hand,
and we did something naughty in the judge's room...I had a criminally
fun time! Of course, I broke things off with him, then went home.
I worked on potty training the Raina and Sawyer, I felt guilty that Quinn had done mostly, well...everything.
Afterwards, the twins played with their toys! They get along so well.
"Block-y R-wane-uh!"
"Hehehe! Saw-uh play with block-y! Me dolly!"
"Dolly pwetty!"
"Yeah, yeah-y! Purr-pel hair like-y me and Saw-uh!"
I cooked dinner, chatted with Quinn, changed, fed, and tickled the
triplets, then we all went to bed. In the morning, I woke up early and
cooked waffles for Quinn and I.
"Thanks mom, these are great!"
"Welcome, sweetie."
"Mom...who's da-daa the um, the... never mind."
"It's okay, Quinn. What do you want to know?"
"Who's da- nothing! Bus is here! By mom, love ya!" She quickly put
her dish in the washing machine, and scurried off. Why do I think the
"da-" was dad? Quinn's the closest of all my children to figure out that
normally, I'd be married to man, who'd live with us. This isn't normal,
though. This is a battle between me and the thoughts of my mother. As I
claned up the leftovers, I silently thought how I could reply to the
question I knew was coming: Who's Daddy? I'll tell my children, as soon I
reach baby thirty. Thirty...I was so close. And thirty's practically a
third of the way to one hundred... one hundred! I felt worn out and
tired all the time, and I wasn't but a little less than a forth to my
Favorite Sim Challenges
Chapter 16. Plans
Content warning: language Sean dragged himself upright and swung his legs
to the floor. He absently picked at threads on Ed’s quilt. It had been
three days...
6 years ago
Zenteri Reboot Ending
Okay. Who am I kidding. I don't update this story worth a darn, and I don't
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why I ...
9 years ago
Gen. Two: Chapter Twenty-One: Part One
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Cadence Sierra's 100 Baby Challenge
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It's Been a Year
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New legacy!
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Gender: Female Age: 44 Traits: Virtuoso, Inappropriate, Ambitious, Star
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Age: 45 Tr...
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