Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Hahahaha....no. Just no.


Have you ever realized that some things that kids do that are totally okay are completly insane if an adult does them? Example:

Adult: Why'd you do that?
Child: My imaginary friend told me to.
Adult: Oh okay. *To self* They're so creative and imaginative.

But if an adult does it.......

Adult 1: WHY did you do THAT?!?!
Adult 2: The invisible voice told me to.
Adult 2: *To self* Are they off their meds? Or just insane?

There's also something else I have to say about imaginary friends and invisible voices, but due to the fact that people are easily offended, I won't.

Or how if a small kid says they love somebody or that they wanna marry someone, it's cute. An adult? Hahahaha....no! Or like how at Disney world kids can run up to strangers in costumes and hug them. If an adult runs up to a stranger and hugs them, it isn't cute. Nor does it go in the family photo album.


So....I know I'm posting more 'Hahahahaha.....'s then actual posts, but these are so much easier and fun!

Thanks for checking out this Hahahahaha....no. Just no. =) Huh. I started a 100 BC and ended up posting things I find funny that no one else does. Guess that's life.

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