Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Hahahaha....no. Just no.


Have you ever realized that some things that kids do that are totally okay are completly insane if an adult does them? Example:

Adult: Why'd you do that?
Child: My imaginary friend told me to.
Adult: Oh okay. *To self* They're so creative and imaginative.

But if an adult does it.......

Adult 1: WHY did you do THAT?!?!
Adult 2: The invisible voice told me to.
Adult 2: *To self* Are they off their meds? Or just insane?

There's also something else I have to say about imaginary friends and invisible voices, but due to the fact that people are easily offended, I won't.

Or how if a small kid says they love somebody or that they wanna marry someone, it's cute. An adult? Hahahaha....no! Or like how at Disney world kids can run up to strangers in costumes and hug them. If an adult runs up to a stranger and hugs them, it isn't cute. Nor does it go in the family photo album.


So....I know I'm posting more 'Hahahahaha.....'s then actual posts, but these are so much easier and fun!

Thanks for checking out this Hahahahaha....no. Just no. =) Huh. I started a 100 BC and ended up posting things I find funny that no one else does. Guess that's life.

Happy 4th! / Hahahahaha…no. Just no.

I know that I'm late on posting happy fourths, but I figured better late then never, right? This is really the only blog of mine that I actually post these little happy holiday/ random update thingies, so…yeah =D I guess this is my most random chatty bloggie, and has been running longer then my legacy but is considerably less popular. Maybe it's  the crappy writing, or the chatty posts. *shrugs*

As for the Hahahahaha.....no. Just no. Part, I went on a vacation and this snippet of conversation seemed kinda humorous…

Me: I'm preparing for the trip.

You're posing in your fedora and sunglasses.

Me: Exactly. I'm preparing you for how awesome I'm going to look.

 Xoxo, mfb426 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Hahahahaha....no. Just no.

   As some of you know, I try and pretend that I'm funny and witty when I write. And as most of you know, it doesn't exactly end up that way. Hence the title 'Hahahahaha....no. Just no.' So, I figured I'd try and post something funny to cheer you up from my epic failure-ness-ish-y of the last couple "Chapters". My day-to-day life is actually kinda funny. (Or at least the conversation are) so I might use some of that, leaving out names, of course.
   Anytime you see a 'Hahahaha....no. Just no.' title it means it's me trying to be funny, and it ending....well you be the judge.  Feel free to tell me all about your opinions in the comments.


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

"Chapter" 76

-Teal stares at the DNA tests.

-The father is.............................................................................................

-Teal goes to her room.

-Marco (who "borrowed" a spare key to get in) is standing there, bare. Again.

-Teal, shocked, starts blubbering "Y-y-you're the d-dad." and "I-I'm-m so-rr-ry."

-Marco accepts her aplogy and whispers something in her ear.

-Teal gets on her knees. You get the idea.

-The toddlers turn into children.

-Alyssa, who has to take care of Teal's children as well as her own, is fed up.

-Alyssa marches downstairs, to find Teal.....you know.

-Alyssa faints.

-Alyssa wakes up. Marco is gone. Teal is standing there.

-"Marco was moving to Paris. That's why he came over. He told me that he wanted...before he left. That it was one thing you refused and it would make me special." Teal says.

-Alyssa comforts her daughter, then kicks her out.

-Alyssa has four empty spaces in her home.

-Alyssa goes to the library.

-She meets a man named Dr. Peter Von

-They woohoo.

-Alyssa's pregnant again!

-She was twins, two boys, named JJ and Allen.

-The children age up into teens.

-The babies age up into toddlers.

-ALyssa teaches them how to walk and potty trains them.

-May teaches JJ how to talk.

-June teaches Allen how to talk.

-Alyssa goes to the doctors to tell Peter that she had his sons.

-Peter is married.

-Alyssa runs from the office, upset.

More coming soon!

"CHapter" 75

-The kids age up into teens. I don't remember the traits.

-Pete is failing school.

-Al has straight A's.

-DJ....has like a C or something.

-Pete likes painting!

-Alyssa paints a masterpiece and sells it for a lot of money.

-And Teal is going to have a baby! *Dramatic gasp* (Can gasps be done dramatically?)

-Alyssa has triplets who I name April, May, and June.

Wait! Triplets?!? Crap. Teal's pregnant, too.....huh.....

-I age the boys up and kick 'em out.

-Alyssa's triplets turn into toddlers.

-Alyssa teaches them to walk and talk.

-Teal calls Marco and tells him that she's pregnant.

-Marco, being a jerk, says that he must not be the father and that she should go whine to her (ex) Bf.

-Marco comes over to Teal's home.

-Teal says she loves Marco.

-Marco rolles his eyes.

-Teal kisses him.

-Marco kisses her back.

-They hop into bed and have a little fun.

-In the middle of the night, Teal goes into labor.

-Hearing the screaming, Alyssa rushes downstairs.

-"Mom. I'm preg-OWWWWWW!" Teal yells, standing up with help from a completely bare Marco.

-Alyssa is shocked that she didn't know, (and by Marco's no clothing-ness).

-Alyssa realizes who MArco is.

-She slaps him.

-Teal shouts why.

-Marco is confused.

-Alyssa tells him that she was pregnant with his kids as well. 

-Marco blushes.

-Teal, who was forgotten in the middle of Marco and Alyssa's fight, has a baby boy, Rory, and two girls, Kat and Jess.

-Teal yells at Marco to get out, realizing that April, May, and June are Rory, Kat, and Jess's half siblings/aunt or uncle.

-Marco runs off.

-All the toddlers age up.

-Teal neglects her children and goes to the bar.

-Teal gets drunk.

-Teal sees her ex BF, sad that Marco was such a jerk, she runs to him for comfort.

-Teal tells him that she had triplets and that he might be the father.

-Her ex, who's busy doing other things with Teal that don't include talking, ignores her.

-Teal's ex's GF comes in.

-She slaps Teal.

-Teal yells that her ex, who the other girl's newly ex, is her baby daddy.

-The whole club ends up hearing.

-Teal's ex blushes and runs away. (Way to be manly!)

That's it for this chapter. Next chapter, find out who's Teal's baby daddy! 

"Chapter" 74


-While I've been playing, Alyssa a set of all boy triplets their names are Al, DJ, and Pete. The father is a Sim I created named PJ (Peter James) DiMarko.

-The triplets aged into teens. Gigi became good, Annie-Belle became artistic, and Smith became family oriented.

-Teal has a boyfriend named something I can't remember and is cheating on him with a Sim I created named Marco Tallon who's her boyfriend's friend.

-Marco Tallon is also Alyssa's romantic interest. She plans on making him a father as soon as The eldest triplets move out.

-Neither Alyssa nor Teal know that they like the same guy.

-Teal's first was with Marco on the movie theater floor.

-Marco works part time at the book store.

-Teal goes to the club with Marco and runs into her (drunk) boyfriend.

-The babies age up into toddlers.

-Alyssa teaches them all how to walk.

-The teens age up into young adults. Gigi gains commitment issues, Annie-Belle becomes evil, and Smith becomes a dog person. They then move out.

-Teal (still at the club), with Marco and her BF, have a 3-way.

-Teal breaks up with her BF.

-Teal goes home with Marco. She passes out of her bedroom floor, Marco tried escaping.

-Alyssa sees Marco and thinks he came here for her. They hook up.

-Marco, realizing what he did, hurries away.

-Teal wakes up, she texts Marco.

-He pretends like everything's great and he had to leave for his job.

-Teal feels bed and throws up. She thinks she's just hungover.

-Alyssa also gets sick.

-The toddlers turn into children. Al is a coward, DJ is a cat person, and Pete is friendly.

-Alyssa finds out that she's pregnant with Marco's child.

-Teal finds out that she's pregnant, but she doesn't know the father.

-Teal tries calling Marco, but he doesn't pick up. Lost and confused, steals some wine from her mom.

And I'm going to leave it at that. =)  Will Teal find out who's the Father? Will Alyssa find out that her daughter is pregnant? Will Al become an Olympic gymnast? Or will Pete become smitten with the girl next door? Tune in next time!

Happy Independance Day, USA!

   Happy 4th of July, to everybody in the United Sates of America. I appreciate you all and hope that your day is fabulous! I'm super excited, and hope that you guys are to! School (for me) starts back up in a month, so it's bitter sweet. I'm disappointed in myself, I was hoping to get more done over the Summer, but I did start a legacy and a Klepto challenge! I really can't do three things at once, so I'm picking this story to rush through....I feel bad for all you dedicated readers, but I hope you understand! The pictures may not be there really and the story will be short, but, being an OCD perfectionist/completionist I really want to finish this!


Just because, here's Alyssa acting silly.

CHapter 73

"So I'm not pregnant?" I asked, shocked.
    "I'm afraid so, Miss." The docter said.
This was my afternoon. I felt sad. The test had been mistaken. I sat, eating a meal at the Red Velvet Lounge. I had drunk too much and felt a little sick. I stood up and looked to see a man was standing around. A hideous old man, who's name was Pappy Wolff was standing there.
 I went to go to talk to him and we started making out. One think led to another and we ended up having a little fun in one of the private rooms.
     "Come on." He said, gruffly.
     "Okay." I followed him into the private room. "Look at the statue." I giggled. I ended up arguing with it, then we woohooed on the couch.  Afterwards, I ended up streaking, and the bartender kicked me out.
    I was pregnant. For real this time. The months progressed and Teal helped out. I hate the fat part of pregnancy. At least I have an excuse for stuffing myself, and I'm not just a lazy slob.  I ended up giving birth to three beautiful babies. Two girls, Gigi and Annie-Belle, and a boy, Smith.
      "Ma-wmy." Gigi gurgled.
      "Yes." I smiled, "Mommy. I'm you Mommy."
      "Mooooom." Teal rolled her eyes. She was trying to potty train Annie-Belle and she had just finished with Smith. "Annie won't sit still."
       Teal was sweet as could be, but she tended to get aggravated with little children fast. Her tolerance was defiantly not high.

     "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you." We all sang as the toddlers turned into children and the eldest triplets turned into teenagers. I told the eldest triplets about my challenge and their father, and they decided to move out and become adults early, so I could progress further. Only thirty-seven more children to go.....thirty seven! That seemed like so little compared to what I'd done, but it also felt like a million. I was lucky that Teal had decided to help me. Or at least for now.....thirty-seven babies. Only twenty seven.

NOTE I wanted to publish something so you guys wouldn't think I abandoned you. (I didn't!) The chapters arte going to be short and far and few, but there WILL be chapters!

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