"Hello?" I picked up the phone, aggravated as heck that the toddlers wouldn't stop crying. I loved them, but Forest, Pink, and Aqua screamed the most out of all the times I'd had children...and that's saying a lot.
"Is this a Mrs. Alyssa Terrans?"
"Miss, but yes."
"Are you married to Sir Winthrop Harold Lexington the Fifth?"
"What?" I screamed, almost as loudly as the children. No one knew that I was married to him....or was. I always disliked the man. I had been years since his death....five I think. I was thirty-two, know. I can't remember when I married him.
"Well, ma'am, it appears that Sir Lexington was a member of," he named some fancy pants British country club. "He has been yet to be removed. We give away one annual vacation and he's won. We were informed that his whereabouts were unclear, so we contacted his closest kin."
"He's...he's dead."
"Dead, ma'am?"
"My condolences. Would you perhaps like the vacation, as the clubs condolences?"
"Yes." I sniffled, for a dramatic effect.
"Three days in Hawaii. Sunlit Tides. The cabbie will," he rambled on directions and revoked my membership to a club I'd never heard of as I threw clothing into a bag. Bra, check, panties, check, sexy bikini, check. Brush, blow dryer, a bottle of red dye, shampoo, perfume, lipstick, sunscreen, towels, barrettes, bobby pins, tooth brush, heels, and jeans check. I threw in some sandals and some shorts and tanks and was done packing.
"Thank you. Tomorrow at eight am?" I checked the pick up time.
"Correct." I hung up and sat on my bed. I got a break. A vacation. Thank goodness; I was about to go gray from the stress!
Magenta's POV

I screamed from the porch. Mom drove away and in less than five minutes the bus pulled up. Silver and Teal climbed on, but I didn't. I was officially in charge. And that meant I could skip school and throw a party. I began texting Tay as the kids ran around.
M: Party?
T: Totes! When? P.S. Skipping?
M: 2nite @ 9! U betz, u?
T: Kewllll! Txt them? Nah in Pre-Alg
M: go head
T: Kk gotz it gurl
M: Lol
T: Gtg :( Ms. Whippersnapper= #!* &%
M: Ikr
T: Luvs ya gurl! xoxo Tay-Tay
I sighed as my brain leaked trough my ears and walked away. Tay turned me into an idiot.
"Pink! Crayons are not food!" I took the Crayolas from the curious toddler and picked her up. "Crayons no-no."
"No-no. Hehehe!"
"Good! Crayons not yummies."

"Me want yummies!" Yummies was Pink term for food, a phrase she's picked up from when she could hardly talk.
"Okay." I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed some Cheerios. I gave her the bowl, which she ate then threw to the side. I picked up the bowl as the toddler tried to scoot away. "Aw, Pink." I picked her up and began teaching her to walk. The rest of the day, I taught Forest and Aqua their skills, changed diapers, and fed the brats-I mean babies.
I tried making a simple dinner. It was eight o'clock-the party would start soon. I felt dizzy as I reached for the knife to chock the onions. I leaned onto the counter, then dived towards the counter.
"Magenta? Maggie!" Tay screamed. I woke up an hour later, the guests surrounding me. There was approximently a dozen people, only two of whom I knew. Tay and her brother (who I had a crush on). I got up and dusted myself off.

"Can....can I." I took a dive towards Tay's brother, who caught me.
"Guys," Tay spoke words I couldn't remember. Everyone promptly left, except for a tattooed girl in an apron. "The babysitter." She told me.
They dragged me upstairs, to the room. I swallowed two Advils and instantly felt a little better. I didn't remember most things that happened but here's what I do:

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Tay's brother...am I okay....flowers...I'm fine...hotness....Him hot. Eighteen..kisses....running away together... Leaving...babies with sitter...sitter crazy...mom's car pulling into the driveway.....leaving note....running away....stress | | | | | | | | | | |
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